Lindsay Randerson

Holistic Health Coach

Are you getting enough sleep ?

Who loves a good nights sleep ? but how many of us get enough of it ? 

The average adult according to research needs between 7-9 hrs sleep per night with 60 % of adults in the UK suffering from 1 or 2 nights per week of interrupted sleep. These are worrying statistics as our sleep underpins our entire health. It's vital for our mental and physical wellbeing. Poor quality sleep can lead to

  • brain fog and memory issues
  • anxiety and Mood changes
  • weakened immune system
  • digestive bloating,irritable bowel,heartburn and ulcers
  • spikes in sugary foods and caffeine intake
  • weight gain

In the first part of the night there is more non-rapid eye movement (NREM) or deep sleep which is when most physical repair occurs.In the second part of the night,we sleep less deeply,with more rapid eye movement ( REM) ,which is when we psychologically repair. Both of these are important to our long term health.

Finding ways to promote a good night sleep are individual to us all but these tips have been supportive to me when my own sleep patterns change


1 Create a good sleep environment,one that's cool, dark and free from clutter.The ideal room temperature is 60C which supports our internal thermometer.

2 Routine is the mother of good sleep. Part of building a healthy sleep schedule is to understand your circadian rhythm. In other words, what is your natural sleep-wake cycle? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Once you find it, you can incrementally shift it back or forwards as you need until you hit the sweet spot of a schedule that compliments your lifestyle and needs best.

It’s a pattern that is, for best results, one you will ideally stick to religiously. This means waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day, including weekends. Continually changing the times you sleep and wake can massively disrupt our sleep cycle.

3 Remove technology from your sleep space and avoid exposure to blue light from screens. Light and dark information to the brain trigger the release of melatonin and cortisol production.If we have too much light at night, these responses ae dimmed.Switch off at a reasonable time and listen to music,meditate or take a hot bath with an essential oil blend.

4 Cut down on Caffeine - Caffeine can kick start our day but try to avoid after 12pm to make it easier to unwind in the evening.

5 Unwind with sleepy ingredients - Include foods that contain tryptophan,such as oats,walnuts,almonds and herbs such as chamomile,lavender and spices such as nutmeg.

6 Introduce light and movement to your day - Aim to get outside in natural daylight for at least 30 minutes every day,ideally doing some gentle movement

7 Herbs - traditional herbs can support our nervous sytem as part of a holistic approach to sleep.Valerian,Chamomile and Ashwaganda are sedatives promoting muscle relaxation,reduce tension and anxiety.These are found in PUKKA Night time tea formulas and Ways to Relax wellness kit. 


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